Posts tagged natural dyes
Back to school in a Pandemic

Whether you are in Laos, in the UK or in the US, it seems like the whole world is talking about one thing this week: Back to School in a pandemic. Each country and each state has had different ways of approaching this Back to School event. For us at Passa Paa it has been very interesting to see the different approaches and ways of dealing with this event. Because of this, we decided to collect interesting links that might be helpful for you as a parent, a student or as a teacher.

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Choose reusable face masks and other steps to help the environment

Passa Paa is very clear about how deeply we care about the environment and reducing our impact on it. This concern is addressed in our production practices, use of natural organic materials and in some cases the purpose of the accessories we produce. Some of the products that you can purchase to avoid single plastic use are our Market Bags, Bees Wax Wraps and Bamboo Straws and now our Reusable Face Coverings!

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Blue Gold: Timeless Indigo and it's zero impact on the environment

For Passa Paa, printing with Indigo gives us an endless possibilities of playing with its blue hue. We aim to keep this tradition from many Lao ethnic groups alive. The fact that it's 100% natural and when you have finished working with it you can throw the water on your crops, and you can fertilize your garden with it only makes us love it even more.

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